Ready for Flavored Wines?

Have you heard the news? Flavored wine seems to be the latest trend to come out of France and the French are loving it. The Los Angeles Times was shocked to discover that a number of French winemakers recently introduced flavored wines like fruit-flavored rosé (grapefruit, passionfruit, mandarin) and some other unique flavors like Red Lollipop (Rouge Sucette), which is red wine infused with cola.

Millennials seem to be the target demographic since regular consumption of wine in France has declined over the last few decades as younger generations are reaching for other alcoholic beverages. We recently conducted an alcoholic beverages study here in the U.S. and we found that Millennials are really keen on trying new drinks, 6 times or more a year.

The French winemakers might be on to something because French Millennials are not the only ones who like flavored beverages, they also appeal to U.S. Millennials as 60% like Flavored Malt Beverages and 52% like Wine Coolers. So why not flavored wines? Especially as over 80% of Millennials enjoy drinking wine.

So, are you ready for flavored wines?