Being Alone With Your Thoughts

Written by buzzback | May 1, 2014 3:55:19 PM

Reading about Ernest Hemingway's Nobel Prize acceptance speech on the Farnam Street blog recently brought to mind how little time we corporate and supplier-side researchers have to be alone with our thoughts. Between the frenetic pace of the workday, countless meetings, all-day workshops, and the cube farms of corporate America, we seldom, if ever, have the time and space to simply be alone and think about the research we’re doing, to think about how we might do things better, to be creative and innovate. When pressed into a reactionary mode, innovation takes a back seat and we can easily find ourselves caught in the infinite loop of order taking and delivery.

Fortunately, I work from a home office and have some flexibility to carve out time for thinking.  And, even more important, I work for a company that is built on innovation and fosters the notion that all of us at BuzzBack have something to offer to keep the innovations coming.

I’m curious. Do you have enough “alone time” in your job?  Comments are welcome below. Stay tuned – we may address this issue further in a future BuzzPoll.