Fi Global CONNECT - Plant-Based Ingredients in the Spotlight

Written by Matthew Hill | Sep 13, 2021 3:01:31 PM

Martin Oxley is sharing plant-based and botanicals research findings at Fi Global CONNECT - Plant-Based ingredients in the Spotlight on September 16.

To plant-base or not to plant-base? The global plant-based market is expected to grow to over $13T by 2025, and botanicals in parallel to more than $6B. About 7 in 10 consumers say they’re interested in plant-based and botanicals. But do they know the difference? What will they gravitate to and when?

At buzzback, we talked to 1000+ consumers in the US, UK and China over 3 waves of research to gauge perceptions, awareness and interest in purchasing plant-based and botanical products. With an increasing number of consumers looking for healthier and environmentally friendly options, this is the time for brands to understand their wants in this growing market. Although there is a huge focus on protein and meat and dairy alternatives, plant-based and botanicals are broader than that. In this presentation, Martin Oxley, Managing Director at buzzback, will talk about our latest findings with a focus on the trendiest ingredients, categories driving market growth, and consumers’ wants to surface new opportunities for brands.