WEBINAR - Are you happy? What about consumers today?

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Are you happy? What about consumers today?

Join us as we share this final and most comprehensive look at Happiness, consumer emotions & feelings via our eCollage, and what this all means for your brand.

Martin Oxley, MD, buzzback Europe, presents our research with Mary Meehan, co-founder of Panoramix Global, who will delve into five facets of Happiness and how brands play a role, even in a world in crisis.

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With these new findings from the US, Brazil, China and UK, you'll learn:

  • What drives Happiness? Wealth, sensory experiences, culture, alone time vs social, travel
  • What are the sights, smells, sounds and flavours of Happiness?
  • Which activities improve happiness?
  • What are brands doing to drive consumer Happiness and loyalty?


Topic(s): webinar