Fast-track your insights

Insights from millions of consumers across the globe, in an instant. Express is your secret to smarter decision-making.

Efficient & stress-free insights, on-demand

Express is our automated consumer insights platform for quick turnaround. It’s easy and intuitive, with best-practice methodologies and buzzback’s proprietary techniques to get you powerful insights, fast.

Research Your Way

Do It Yourself

We believe in putting the power of research in your hands. With our robust platform, you become the master of your own insights, conducting research on your terms and at your pace.


No time? Drowning in technology? Buzzback’s experienced team of researchers will set up and run your project and deliver a key findings summary report, stress-free and fast.

Same day insights

Setup takes 90 seconds and insights start rolling in as soon as you launch, with fielding complete in just a few hours.

Data you can trust

Our AI technology and quality checks insure you have real respondents and speeds up reporting in critical timelines.

A global audience

You’ll have access to millions of consumers in multiple markets, with an emphasis on respondent integrity.

Express solutions

With 7 testing modules, you are free to validate & optimize almost anything. Ideal for a wide range of stimuli.

Interactive reporting

One-click reporting to PPT, PDF or XLS formats makes reporting a breeze. Your interactive dashboard comes with AI-powered technology for smarter reporting.

Express helped us get more agile and faster learning on new ideas – essential as we are on a fast track to developing and introducing snacking products driving the future of Mondelēz innovation."

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