How it works

Getting started with Express is easy. Simply follow the below steps to launch your survey and receive powerful insights from consumers globally. 

Getting started

Build your study

Setup is so simple that your project will be in field in less than 5 minutes. The first step is to identify your study type.

Reaching your target

Select your audience

Express gives you access to millions of consumers globally. Target based on standard demographics, category, brand usage and more – even set quotas to your key consumer segments and customize your screener to ensure you are reaching the right audience.

Exploring your insights

Launch + learn

After uploading your testing stimuli, you’ll launch your study and immediately be in field. Results are accessible in real time via your Express dashboard. Filter to easily compare concepts side-by-side or narrow in on one. 

Reaching your target

Interactive reporting

Customize your reports and export with just one click to PPT, PDF or XLS formats for easy sharing. If you choose the serviced plan, you’ll also receive a 1-2 page executive summary report from our research experts.

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