Screen your early-stage ideas with our mobile friendly Swipe approach. Get in-the-moment, contextual reactions to your ideas from consumers.
Projectives: Swipe, Concept Focus
Evaluate concepts with key metrics and attributes. Concept Focus projective provides targeted feedback so you can determine highest in-market potential.
Projectives: Concept Focus, Thought Bubble, Preference
Land on the perfect name for your product with monadic and sequential monadic testing. Respondents react to key metrics/attribute agreement.
Projectives: Thought Bubble, Preference
Evaluate which claims have the most in-market potential with key metrics and attributes. MaxDiff estimates scores for each of the claims.
Projectives: Thought Bubble, Concept Focus
Flavors & Variants
Wow the senses with flavors testing – also appropriate for fragrances. Utilize sequential monadic, MaxDiff, and TURF methodologies to identify clear winners.
Projectives: Thought Bubble, Preference
Determine if your pack breaks through on the shelf, and see how respondents interact with your pack in-store using our online shelf tool.
Projectives: Shelf, Concept Focus, Preference
Advertising & Messaging
Never take a gamble with your advertising strategy again. Test both video and static ads to uncover exactly what respondents like and dislike.
Projectives: Thought Bubble, Concept Focus, Preference
Projective Techniques
Questions on what our unique projective techniques for each solution entail?