How Life is Changing in the Age of Coronavirus

Wave 13 - Week of 15 June

This week we revisit the mental health impact among consumers in the US & UK,
as behaviors and emotions change
. See you next Friday as we revisit skincare.



clean infographic

Perceived length of impact (5 months)
is still high, though slightly lower than last week.

US perceived length of impact

UK perceived length of impact


There's marginal improvement in
confidence in the government.

confidence in government


As well as optimism about outcomes.

marginal increase in optimism


However, many are still concerned about
a second peak of infection.

worry over second peak of infections


As a result of COVID19...

52% feel more lonely
50% mood has worsened
63% worry it's too soon


The main drivers positively impacting mood...

positive drivers of mood


The main drivers negatively impacting mood...

negative drivers of mood



A deep dive on Millennials reflects
greater impact on their moods.blob charts

Mood changes vary throughout the day...

mood during day well as throughout the week.

mood during week