How Life is Changing in the Age of Coronavirus

Wave 10 - Week of 25 May

Here's Wave 10 - with a focus on feelings around the ease of Coronavirus restrictions
among consumers in the US & UK, as behaviors and emotions change.
Be sure to check back in next week for new data.



clean infographic

The majority of people continue to think it will take longer than
5 months for life to go back to normal.




Confidence in government
dropped significantly again.



Optimism about outcomes
has reached its lowest point.

optimism declining


People are worried as countries
begin to relax restrictions.

70% worry it's too soon
75% believe second infection peak
30% think government has good plan


Concerns expressed through eCollageTM reveal...

BuzzBack eCollage elicits imagery and emotional associations via interactive online collaging

eCollage slide-1


eCollage examples-1



Blobs reinforce feelings of uncertainty about the future.

Blobs elicit consumer feelings through character associations

blobs slide-1


They want things to open back up for the economy,
but not willing to take risks themselves.

appropriate to do vs. feel comfortable doing